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The MORTEXVAR seminars

Prof. Dr. Pascal Vernus
Directeur d'Études Émérite, École Pratique des Hautes Études, Paris
Seminar nº 1 - The 3rd of November 2022
Seminar by Professor Vernus on the topics:
Implementation and transposition of specific formats in the corpus of the Coffin Texts.
Devices that were implemented for guaranteeing the authoritative status of the most ancient funerary texts.
Dr. Anne Landborg
Independent scholar, Stockholm.

Seminar nº 2 - The 16th of December 2022
Seminar by Doctor Landborg on the topic:
How many parts make a whole? Ancient Egyptian identity concepts before and after death.

Dr. Mykola Tarasenko
Research Fellow at the Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, University of Oxford.
With the support of

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