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MORTEXVAR database logo by César Guerra Méndez.
The MORTEXVAR database
ISSN: 2990-2088
The MORTEXVAR database (beta version) collects data on ancient Egyptian Coffin Texts to digitise them, analyse them and make them accessible. The data have been extracted from two sources: the reference edition of these texts by Adriaan de Buck (1935-1961) and the Index of spells by Leonard Lesko (1979).
The current MORTEXVAR database (beta version) gives you free access to the following:
The texts transliteration and (partial) French translation
All the 1,185 Coffin Text spells in their “main” version, usually the first from the left in the edition by the Buck. The versions from the rest of the witnesses will be added in the future.
The witnesses (text instances) with their provenance and chronology.
The spells' position in the coffins.
The future MORTEXVAR database will include the following:
Complete transliteration and translation of all witnesses of the Coffin Texts edited by De Buck.
Annotation (lexical and grammatical)
Linking to the (image capture/encoding) OCR-PT-CT project at UAH.
Linking to the hieroglyphic edition by De Buck.
The MORTEXVAR database: project, sponsors and team
The MORTEXVAR database collects a substantial part of the results from Carlos Gracia Zamacona’s work on the Coffin Texts since 1999. The making of the database has been made possible by public funding from the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs (1999-2000), the Spanish Ministry of Education (2000-2001) and the Region of Madrid Government through its Atracción de Talento Programme (2019-2024), and is graciously hosted at the server of the Middle Kingdom Theban Project directed by Antonio J. Morales.
Currently, the MORTEXVAR database (ISSN 2990-2088) is edited by Carlos Gracia Zamacona at Universidad de Alcalá assisted by a team formed by:
Anthonny Contreras: engineer.
César Guerra Méndez: research assistant (Egyptology)
Noelia Madinabeitia: editorial assistant
Anne Landborg: researcher (Egyptology)
Luisa García González: researcher (Egyptology)
Nieves García Centeno: editorial and research assistant (Egyptology).
All data have been made freely accessible to the research community. We ask you to cite the MORTEXVAR database in your publications, websites, social media, etc. Doing so will help us find more funding to improve the database in the future.
Citation: The MORTEXVAR database (, edited by C. Gracia Zamacona (2022-).
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